
Marcane aims to hold a mature playerbase therefore any players under the age of 13 will not be able to play, sorry.


Common Sense

Make sure to keep names, nicknames, discord bio's and anything the rest of the Marcane MC community can see appropriate.(No NSFW, Slurs etc)

Don't argue with staff they are staff for a reason,

Give Refunds to accidental purchases made,

If someone is fighting a boss, it is there boss you must ask permission to help kill and to take the drops!,

Tickets are best way to ask for support don't ask in public chats unless something minor (No DMing staff),

No duping or exploits allowed. (if you farm is lagging the server only use while no one is on or it will be deleted,

Be kind, dont use people, if you see they have set an error on a price for something in there shop dont use it, let them know through /pm or /mail,

Dont use any Hacked clients, Seed finders and world downloaders



You can afk all auto farms, if causes lag don't afk without being near computer/console

If you create your own town/village it is your responsibility not staff members

Flying machines are allowed but make sure it causes no major lag and don't keep on at all times,

Players can ban you from their warp, be careful what you do,

No Auto-Clickers allowed.

No money farms, this means farms made for the purpose of earning money


Allowed Clients

Lunar client,




Litematica (for building)





Alternative Accounts

These are not allowed!



No afk Pools



You can not use prefix's in warp names to bring it to the top off the list



Be respectful, The following are prohibited, Bullying/Harassment, Winding other players, any type off discrimination, At no moment can you type something racist, homophobic or other slurs directed to players

No advertisement unless advertising your ingame warp / shop,

Do not talk about certain topics which would be classed as sensitive, 

No spamming!

English only apart from private messages



No grief (looting or changing other peoples build without explicit permission) even if it is not claimed.

Scamming in prohibited!

No offensive builds 

Do not build too close to someone else without their permission