
Spawn Area

world - Never resets,

Nether - Never resets,

End - Never resets,

mining - Resets once every month, only for exploration and mining, dont build farms or big buildings on this world!

resnether - Resets once every month, only for exploration and mining, dont build farms or big buildings on this world!

resend - Resets once every month, only for exploration and mining, dont build farms or big buildings on this world!

To get too the resnether and resend do /rtp world resnether / resend




Ignoring / Blocking

/ignore to ignore someone ingame

block anyone on discord if they are causing you discomfort and report them in our discord within the support channel



If you have been griefed, Dont stress we can reverse all damage and give out the necessary punishments.

To prevent this make sure to claim your land,

If you have been griefed open a ticket within the discord for it to be resolved.


Homes / TPA

/sethome name - this will set a teleport location you can access with the command

/home name - this will teleport you too a home you have set in the past

you get more homes as you rank up!

/tpa name - this will send a tp request to go to them

/tpaccept - this will accept a teleport request

/tpahere name- this will request someone to teleport to you

/tpacancel - to cancel requests





You can lose your claim after 3 months inactive unless we are notified.


Staff applications



Nothing settings wised is set but please limit the amount off hoppers etc to keep a smooth experience, if anything is lagging the server it may be removed

Soft despawn range is 28, hard despawn rate is 96

View distance is 7 and simulation distance is 7

The mob limit is per player not world

If you have built a farm and it does not work open a ticket and we will see what we can do.

If you are planning on building a big farm and you want to make sure it works on the server first, open a ticket and send the world download


Ban Appeal

If you have been given a punishment and would like to appeal it, join our and open a ticket

What is a good appeal?

Make sure to put your ingame name,

We look for effort within appeals so any appeals under 100 words will not be looked at,

Think about adding the following into your appeal.

What and why did you do it?

Why is what you done against our rules?

What have you learned from being handed out the punishment


Make sure to be as honest as you can, we have a lot of evidence of many things,

Do not lie, this will reduce your chances by a lot,



What is a claim? 

If you have placed a claim that means that location is now yours, you have control on who can be trusted there. No one unless trusted can do anything within your claim.

Claim commands

/trust - trusts a player within your claim

/accesstrust - Gives a player the ability to use beds, buttons, doors, levers etc

/containertrust - Gives a player access to your chests, crops and everything from accesstrust

/untrust - revokes someones trust to your claim

/permissiontrust - Allows the player to give out their level of permission within the claim to others

/trustlist - shows you who is trusted within your claim, make sure to be standing with your claim

/abandonclaim - Removes your claim, make sure your standing within your claim

/abandonallclaims - Removes all of your claims



Different ranks have access to more warps.

/pwarp set name - sets a warp to your location

/pwarp remove name - removes your warp

/pwarp icon name - sets the icon of your warp to the item in hand

/pwarp ban - removes someones access to your warp



If you are struggling to create a shop use this video to help you